PatientsFirst provides a variety of specialized exams to support individuals in various aspects of their lives, from sports and school activities to professional and educational pursuits. Our comprehensive exams are designed to meet specific requirements and ensure that individuals are healthy and fit to participate in their desired activities or roles.
Our Other Exams Services Include
Sports/Camp/School Physicals
Whether you’re a student athlete, attending summer camp, or preparing for the school year, our sports/camp/school physicals help ensure that you are physically fit and healthy to participate in activities safely. Our thorough exams assess your overall health, fitness level, and any potential risks or conditions that may affect your participation.
Work Physicals
Many employers require pre-employment or periodic physical exams to ensure the health and safety of their employees. Our work physicals evaluate your fitness for specific job duties and identify any health concerns that may impact your ability to perform your job safely and effectively.
Teacher/Day Care Physicals:
Teachers and daycare providers play a crucial role in the education and care of children. Our teacher/day care physicals assess your health and wellness to ensure that you are fit to work with children and maintain a safe and nurturing environment in educational settings.
College Physicals
Heading off to college is an exciting time, and our college physicals help ensure that you start this new chapter in good health. From immunization checks to overall wellness assessments, our college physicals address the unique health needs of college students and provide peace of mind as you embark on your academic journey.